Common Sense Tips to Cut Breast Cancer Risk
We've all been watching the annual parade of 'pink' - all in the name of raising money to fight breast cancer! The objectives are admirable - more money for research for early detection and maybe to defeat the causes of breast cancer. AND it's important.
Somehow, despite all the pink ribbons and fundraising, the disease continues to affect thousands of families every year. Today breast cancer affects nearly 1 in every 6 women and all cancers affecting 1 in 3 women. There is no family that has been left untouched by cancer. An astounding toll!
So, what's going on here? Are there ways to minimize my chances of getting it?
You know, it didn't seem like the odds of being affected by breast cancer were as great when I was growing up. That didn't mean I didn't see loved ones affected. In fact, my mother-in-law contracted the disease and I would massage her right arm after her mastectomy removed not only her breast but also the lymph nodes under her arm, leaving swelling and hard lumps. Because of my mother-in-law, I also had an unusually large clientele of breast cancer patients or those recovering from breast cancer.
Even with those experiences, it seemed that if you had a relative who was affected, genetically you had a better chance of having breast cancer. In fact, a common response to the very mention of 'Cancer' was an automatic assumption that you had been diagnosed and given a death sentence. Of course, we now know that isn't the case and much progress in diagnosis and successful intervention/treatment has occurred in the past two to three decades. At the same time, we've also seen the incidence of breast cancer skyrocket! So it's now our responsibility to find and practice common sense habits that will help the long-term prognosis for us and for our daughters and granddaughters.
According to a number of research efforts at major universities and research centers, there's ample evidence to suggest that our immune systems are being weakened from exposure to toxins and chemical poisons. Everyday exposure to chemical poisons in our household and personal care products can keep the body from warding off or mitigating breast cancers and other diseases.
So what are everyday exposures that I might have?
We know that much of the current surge of interest in natural and organic products is coming from women - fully 60-80% depending upon which research study you are focusing on. These are women who want to improve the overall wellness of their families and themselves. Just that fact, alone, is cause for celebration. But every consumer also needs to realize what 'natural and organic' may be covering up in their everyday products!
Not everything that carries a byline of 'natural and organic' is free from toxic or harmful ingredients. Becoming educated about toxic ingredients, like the ones in the following list, is critical to your efforts to buy products that 'Do No Harm'.
Avoid these Red Flag ingredients in your products:
· Alcohol, Isopropyl (SD-40)
· DEA (Diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine), & TEA (Triethanolamine)
· Dioxin (not listed as an ingredient - a by-product from manufacturing)
· DMDM Hydantoin & Urea (Imidazolidinyl)
· FD&C Color Pigments
· Fragrances
· Parabens (common xeno-estrogen preservative)
· PEG (Polyethylene glycol)
· Phthalates (emulsifier, extender, softener - commonly used in baby products/bottles/etc.)
· Propylene Glycol (PG) and Butylene Glycol
· Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)
· Triclosan (anti-bacterial thought to create super-bugs; non-recyclable contaminant in water)
· Sunscreen ingredients like benzophenone, avebenzone, cinemates, PABA
Begin by reading the ingredient label on every product. Perhaps most disturbing is the fact that many of these toxic ingredients are hormone disruptors, wetting agents that assure the products act faster/penetrate better, and preservatives known to affect health. Making a choice to purchase products that contain NO xeno-estrogens or other toxins is a bold step in the right direction!
I really believe that we could all begin this effort by simply checking out the back labels in our bathrooms. While it's pretty scary to think about, experts tell us that most of us come in contact with over 200 toxic chemicals before we get dressed in the morning. That means we are bathing ourselves in toxins!
Whether it's the shampoo and conditioner, the body wash, our toothpaste, deodorant, hair styling products, or the makeup on our face, it all adds to the chemical load on our bodies. I encourage you to replace just one or two products a week with products certified ToxicFree® - your assurance the product contains no hormone disruptors, carcinogens or other known toxic ingredients. Each step will create a safer, cleaner, healthier home for you and for your family.
Every woman really needs to take exercise seriously as well. Just 30 minutes of exercise per week has been shown to return major benefits. A recent study revealed that 30-150 minutes of exercise per week greatly reduced the risk of developing breast cancer.
According to the lead researcher, breast cancer rates were 50% lower in the group of women who exercised - and up to 70% lower among African-Americans who exercised. The best news was that the risk for various types of breast cancer was reduced - even the most aggressive types.
Teaching our families how to prevent illness begins with a healthy role model. READ labels, exercise, buy healthy products, do regular self-examination - and teach your daughters the same wellness habits!
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