After Breast Cancer, Breathing and Creativity - ABC's After Treatment
So, what's a deep breath got to do with after breast cancer diagnosis and bilateral mastectomy treatment? Just about every single thing, actually! And it's free! Yep. Those deep, conscious, mind-full, air-filled inhales contribute to healing and health and attitude adjustment and everything good after treatment. You could actually stop reading right now and just set the timer to breathe deeply for several moments and be re-generated and re-enlivened.
Or, maybe it's just I who turned into a shallow breather after hearing "Your diagnosis is breast cancer." UGH...ugh again! Don't like thinking about it; didn't like hearing it, yet here I am, thankfully, still breathing and enjoying life a whole bunch after treatment! YES!
There's this delicious thing called, 'relaxing' that didn't used to be part of my daily routine. I was rushed, filled with anxiety, busy, hectic and on the go. Now I relax every single day. Sometimes I even relax as I work (what a concept). And you can too.
Every one of us whether a friend of someone in treatment, someone in treatment, or someone who has completed treatment can benefit from putting more relax time on the schedule. If you're lucky enough to live with pets and if you need help to relax, grab a dog to snuggle with or a kitty to purr while you 'just hang'. They know the drill!
The point is to slow the anxious, over-whelmed, racing mind and the benefits are nummy! To name a few:
• Stress reduction
• Being in the moment
• Experience of peace
• In receipt of spurts of joy
• Sense of well-being
Yep; all that from just taking the time to breath mindfully! It's the free solution to being really here in the present moment. When I do this, I often get brainstorms or answers to something I've been pondering. I definitely feel a sense of satisfaction, more in touch with my creativity and a heightened appreciation of what is 'right' around me after taking this breathing break. You can too!
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