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Monday, February 8, 2010

Guide to Women's Health - What You Must Know About Breast Lumps

There are many causes of lumps in the breast. First of all, remember that normal breasts rarely feel completely smooth because of their structure: they are composed of fat, connective tissue, tiny glands, ducts, and fibrous bands that divide the breast into lobules.

For the reason that the components of the breast respond to the hormones of the menstrual cycle, the breasts may be especially lumpy and also even sore before one's menstrual period. By examining your breasts on a regular basis after each period and by checking with a physician, you learn the normal architecture of your own breasts. Of all cases of breast cancer, only two per thousand occur in women under the age of twenty five. There are, on the other hand, non-cancerous breast lumps or masses that occur more frequently than this in the teens; these include cysts (closed pockets of tissue filled with fluid, pus, or other materials) and growths called fibradenomas (benign breast tumor).

Cysts can be drained with a tiny needle, even though they also may disappear after one's period. For this reason, many doctors will simply ask you to return for a recheck five to seven days after your period starts. If a growth does not contain fluid and does not go away, it should be removed by minor surgery.

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