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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Advanced Breast Cancer and the Effect of a Healthy Diet

Advanced breast cancer, or Stage IV breast cancer implies that the cancer has metastasized (spread) to other areas of the body. This condition brings with it an assortment of symptoms; loss of appetite, pain in the ribs, back and long bones, difficulty breathing, headaches and weakness. In this stage, the objective is to keep the patient healthy and as resistant as possible to the disease.

Is it possible that diet could influence cancer's course? A body under siege from cancer / radiation / chemotherapy certainly needs the benefit of good nutrition for cell repair. Little research has been done to determine the effect of diet on this cancer, and typically health care providers do not put much focus on nutrition's role in disease. However, the outcome of two recent studies regarding diet's effect on the prognosis of advanced breast cancer indicates potential benefits.

While these studies need further investigation, it would seem to be common sense that a healthy, balanced diet can be nothing but beneficial. In the mentioned studies, women in the advanced stages of breast cancer fared much better on a diet high in protein and fiber. The diet also consisted of increased dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in anti-oxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines and trout. If one is concerned with mercury levels found in fish, omega-3 fatty acids supplements may be used instead. Supplements of vitamins and minerals though should not replace wholesome fresh food that contains far more nutrition than tablets. Always notify your doctor if taking supplements of any kind, as some may interact unfavorably with medications.

Red meat, processed foods and hydrogenated and saturated fats were eliminated from the diet during these studies. Soy products are thought (but not yet proven) to produce a negative effect on breast cancer, and at this time, patients are warned to avoid foods containing soy and phytoestrogens. Some researchers also recommend eliminating pop and soda, refined carbohydrates and artificial sweeteners from patients' diets.

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