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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Breast Cancer Chemotherapy

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts from the cells of the breast. A malignant tumor is the group of cancer cells, which can attack the surrounding tissues or spread to nearby areas in the body. Generally women are more prone to breast cancer as compared to men. Breast cancer is the major health problem in women and found in one in every eight women.

There are various types of cancer treatment available but chemotherapy is the most result oriented treatment for breast cancer. Treatment totally depends on the tumor node that is negative or positive, HER2-positive or negative and hormone receptor-positive or negative.

Chemotherapy drugs are taken orally or intravenously, that is direct into a vein. When the drug enters blood, it travels to all parts of the body and reach the cancer cells spread outside breast. It is considered that chemotherapy is the complete form of cancer treatment for breast cancer.

There are different types of chemotherapy drugs that kill cancer cells in different ways, also combination of drugs used to maximize the effect of treatment. For early breast cancer you can use more than one drug to end several months of treatment.

Chemotherapy gives best results but also gives some side effects such as nausea, vomiting, low number of red blood cells, mouth souring, hair loss, poor appetite, bleeding and most important early menopause. Some chemotherapy drugs can cause permanent menopause and it is very serious for young women.

Duration of chemotherapy depends on the type, stage, your current health and the combination of drugs used for treatment. For breast cancer it is given as a series of treatments for two to four weeks or over period of four to six months.

Your care giver or doctor use to keep gap between courses of treatment that can help to recover your body. Treatment can be given in clinic, at hospital or at home as well but in some type of chemotherapy you need to stay in hospital overnight.

Chemotherapy may reduce the chance of reappearance of cancer by small amount and it is found in women chance of cancer coming back is very high and thus chemotherapy treatment helps to reduce the chance of reappearance. Your doctor may give information about the right treatment and possible side effects for you.

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Breast Cancer - Early Warning Signs

There are potential warning signs of breast cancer, how to identify them, and most importantly - what to do about it.

One of the most frightening experiences during self-examination is when a woman finds a lump in her breast. The good news is that most of the time a lump doesn't indicate cancer. But, lumps are still the most common warning signs of breast cancer, and should be examined by a doctor immediately.

Additionally, any change in the size or shape of your breast should raise alarm bells as well. Redness of the skin, flattening skin, indentations of your nipple, and unexpected discharge from your breasts are all potential symptoms of breast cancer.

While these symptoms may not always point to breast cancer, it is incumbent upon every woman to seek medical advice whenever any of the above conditions are noticed. In some cases, your doctor may ask you to have a sonogram of the breast to ascertain if there are any cysts or unusual areas on the mammogram that need further inspection.

Mammograms are by far the most effective method for early detection and treatment of breast cancer.

It's recommended that you have an annual mammogram if you're over the age of 40, or if you have a history of breast cancer in your family. You should also consult with a health care professional to help determine how frequently you should have a mammogram as well.

A mammogram is simply an x-ray of the breast. While it is not painful, it can be a bit uncomfortable. However, it is an extremely effective procedure for identifying warning signs of breast cancer while still in its early stages.

Always be aware of the risk of breast cancer. If you notice any symptoms during the self-examination process or if you have a history of breast cancer in your family, don't hesitate to visit your health care provider. Identifying the symptoms early can literally save your life.

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Breast Cancer Affecting Women

Breast cancer can affect women and men alike and is the second most common type of cancer worldwide next to lung cancer. Breast cancer is the fifth most common cause of cancer death worldwide. Among women, this cancer is the most common cancer worldwide. It is more prominent in industrially developed countries than in countries not industrially developed.

There are plenty of signs or symptoms involved with detecting breast cancer. The most notable sign or symptom is the discovery of a lump. This lump usually feels different than the surrounding tissue. More than 80 percent of cases are discovered by the woman doing a self-test and finding a lump on the breast according to the Merck Manual. The first red flag discovered by doctors is through mammograms according to American Cancer Society.

If a patient finds a lump or lumps in the armpits or lymph nodes this can also be an indicator of breast cancer. Other signs are changes in the size of the breast, skin dimpling, nipple inversion or spontaneous nipple discharge. Another sign is the reshaping of it. Patients who suffer from pain can be a misleading sign . It is not normally breast cancer if a patient suffers from pain but could be other breast-related problems.

There are ways to prevent breast cancer or help to prevent the condition. Having more children, breastfeeding, and exercising three times per week for an hour each time. This exercise regimen has been found to lower the risk of cancer by up to 40 percent. High intake of soy, folic acids, and avoiding secondhand smoke also help to prevent the development of breast cancer.

The most common way for women to detect this type of cancer is through screening at a doctor's office. The screening is known as an X-ray mammography. This process is quick, accurate and readily available in most industrially developed countries. It has been estimated that mortality has been reduced between 20-30 percent because of mammography testing. Doctors worldwide recommend that women, beginning in their forties, get a yearly mammography to check for lumps.

Treatment of breast cancer, if a lump is discovered and the tumor is localized, includes surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy. There is also immune therapy and hormone therapy for patients. Radiation can be used following surgery to eliminate any remaining cancer cells.

Breast cancer isn't located just in the breast. It can spread to other parts of the body, which is known as metastasis. It spreads most commonly to the lymph nodes under the arms. Breast cancer can also spread to other parts of the body via the blood vessels. It can spread to the lungs, brain, the liver and even to the bones. Almost 70 percent of the time that breast cancer spread it spreads to bones of the ribs, arms, and the legs. If this cancer is spread to the bones it is treatable but not curable.

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